
Display of fresh fruits and vegetables


Pricing varies

We are excited to be partnered with Sterling Nutrition and Wellness to help our clients get the best and most personalized nutrition counseling they can get. Find a link to their information, as well as our meal prep partners and others, on our Partnerships page.

Picture of InBody scan machine

InBody - Body Composition Scans


A full body composition scan takes under 15 minutes. A coach will review the data with you and even help troubleshoot some areas of intended improvement. All data is stored and will be used comparatively with any and all additional scans done in the future. Regular scanning approximately every 6-12 weeks can be helpful in monitoring results and adjusting approaches. All nutrition inquiries will be refered to Sterling Health and Wellness.

Read about InBody Success Stories

Scans are intended for anyone over 18 years of age who do NOT have pacemakers. Pregnant women may want to consult their doctor before participating.