Upcoming Events

SUMMER CAMP!! (July/Aug)
We are THRILLED to offer Summer camps this year. Each camper will take home a tshit, get healthy snacks provided daily, and have access to a photo gallery after camp. Camps are for ages 5-9 and ages 10-13. Kids will have fun and be active with a focus around being physical AND safe. We will particpate in movement instruction, daily “workouts” games, activities, snacks and more!
Mon-Fri, 1pm-4pm, $425/ student ($825 for both sessions
Space is limited. email sam@crossfitdavidson.com

We are THRILLED to offer Summer camps this year. Each camper will take home a tshit, get healthy snacks provided daily, and have access to a photo gallery after camp. Camps are for ages 5-9 and ages 10-13. Kids will have fun and be active with a focus around being physical AND safe. We will particpate in movement instruction, daily “workouts” games, activities, snacks and more!
Mon-Fri, 1pm-4pm, $425/ student ($825 for both sessions) 50% deposit due at registration.
Space is limited. email sam@crossfitdavidson.com

Pre-Mother's Day Maker's Market & LKN Humane Fundraiser
Mark your calendar for our Maker’s Market in April!

Trivia Night! ~ A Giving Spirit Foundation
Back by popular demand! We are excited to host a space for this fun and worthy fundraising event. Visit their website for more details and tickets! https://www.agivingspiritfoundation.org/
Start brushing up on your random knowledge now!

Join us for the annual AMRAP4AUTISM event held at CrossFit Mecklenburg. Saturday August 26 we’ll be joining others to support local nuerodivergent and intellectually unique youth in our area. Grab a partner and join us or simply make a donation and we’ll do the work. https://give.amrap4autism.com/team/507823
See you there!

August Members Social
We’re hitting the links….sort of. Meet up at LKN Mini Golf to show off your hole-in-ones and sweet putts. We won’t judge if the windmill takes you down- much. Brush up on your trash talk and come play a few holes. Dibs on the pink ball! https://www.lknminigolf.com/
Murph 2023
Join us for our annual Murph memorial workout. This workout remembers Lt. Michael Murphy specifically and has come to be a memorial for the fallen service men and women of our country. It is a workout intended to challenge you physically and mentally with :
1 mile run/ 100 pullups/ 200 push ups/300 squats/ 1 mile run
We will run multiple heats throughout the morning, at 8:30 am and 9:45 am, if attedance overflow requires it, a third heat at 11 am will also run.
Experienced CrossFit members are welcome to drop in! All active and retired service men and women receive FREE registration that day.
Please stay to join us for our annual Memorial Day pot luck picnic directly following the workouts.
Contact Coach Sam with any and all questions by email sam@crossfitdavidson.com

Angels & Sparrows Food Drive
CrossFit Davidson is proud to partner with Davidson Chiropractic in a Spring food drive to benefit Angels & Sparrows. Angels & Sparrows is a Community Table and Resource Center for families and individuals who need assistance with food, health, education, housing, finances, and more located right in Huntersville, NC. https://angelsandsparrows.org/
We will have a food drop box available at the front door and donations can be made at any time!
List of requested items:
Tomato sauce, green beans, baked beans, carrots, beef broth, canned fruit, cream of mushroom soup, boxes/bags of cereal, instant oatmeal, canned tuna, canned chicken, pasta (other than spaghetti), pasta sauce (no meat).
Giving back to our community is important to us. Thanks for helping us make a difference.

Continuing the Mission
Crossfit Davidson is sponsoring a community workout event in support of Continuing the Mission (CTM), an organization located right here in Davidson, NC that partners PTSD veterans with trained service dogs. Find out more: https://partnerswithpurpose.my.canva.site/